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ayam guinea bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "ayam guinea"
  • ayam:    chicken; chickens; pig; baby; cockerel; poulet;
  • guinea:    guinean; republic of guinea; french guinea;
  • ayam:    chicken; chickens; pig; baby; cockerel; poulet; hen; rooster; billet-doux; domestic fowl; coq au vin; ass; volaille; fowl; chook; bird; gallus gallus; rooster 雌鶏 hen; poultry; cock
  • guinea:    guinean; republic of guinea; french guinea; numida meleagris; guinea; guinea fowl
  • ayam-ayam:    starry triggerfish
  • burung ayam-ayam:    watercock
  • anak ayam:    chick; chicken; hatchling
  • ancona (ayam):    ancona chicken
  • andalusia (ayam):    andalusian chicken
  • appenzeller (ayam):    appenzeller (chicken)
  • asil (ayam):    asil chicken
  • ayam (shio):    rooster (zodiac)
  • ayam (zodiak):    rooster (zodiac)
  • ayam barbeku:    barbecue chicken
  • ayam bekakak:    bakakak hayam
  • She was turned into a guinea fowl by Artemis after the death of her brother, Meleager.
    Dia diubah menjadi ayam Guinea oleh Artemis setelah kematian saudaranya, Meleagros.
  • On 5 July 2003, he died from multiple-drug-resistant tuberculosis while he was out on an excursion for hunting guinea fowl.
    Pada 1 Juli 2003, ia meninggal dunia akibat tuberkulosis resisten multiobat saat sedang berburu ayam Guinea.
  • After the death of Meleager, Artemis turned his grieving sisters, the Meleagrids into guineafowl that Artemis loved very much.
    Setelah kematian Meleager, Artemis mengubah para Meleagrid, yang sedang berduka, menjadi ayam guinea yang sangat disayangi oleh Artemis.
  • In summer, guinea fowls are placed on forest edges and clearings with dense grass and single groups of trees and shrubs. Swampy, alkaline areas where rainwater stagnates are unsuitable.
    Di musim panas, ayam guinea ditempatkan di tepi hutan dan pembukaan dengan rumput lebat dan satu kelompok pohon dan semak belukar. Daerah berawa dan basa di mana genangan air hujan tidak cocok.
  • Adult guinea fowls usually contain up to 2 years. Prolonged breeding of the same bird in small groups leads to closely related mating - there are malformations in guinea fowls, viability and egg production are reduced.
    Ayam guinea dewasa biasanya mengandung hingga 2 tahun. Berkembang biak yang lama dalam kelompok yang sama mengarah pada perkawinan yang terkait erat - ada cacat pada unggas guinea, viabilitas dan produksi telur berkurang.
  • Growing guinea fowl begins with the purchase of young. For this you need to carefully examine the appearance of chicks. Healthy chicks are mobile, actively react to the sound, have a smooth and soft fluff, a taut tummy, clean butts and wings, pressed against the body.
    Tumbuh ayam guinea dimulai dengan pembelian anak muda. Untuk ini, Anda perlu hati-hati memeriksa penampilan anak ayam. Anak ayam yang sehat bergerak, aktif bereaksi terhadap suara, memiliki bulu halus dan lembut, perut kencang, puntung dan sayap bersih, menempel di tubuh.